Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lets talk about people...

People are dumb...end of story!!

Really though people are crazy and I don't understand what they're thinking. You can have opinions but it doesn't mean you're right and don't try and push them off one me. Also if you do something and I confront you about it don't lie and then try to cover it up...I will find out and I wont like you even more! I definitely think that pregnancy has made me voice my opinions more. I never really used to tell people or confront them but now I find myself doing it more and more. Its not really a bad thing because I'm not being mean but I definitely can see myself becoming mean in some situations. I'm not saying everything has to be puppies and rainbows but don't tell me I can't do something and don't bring my pregnancy into it! Just because you hated your pregnancy and didn't listen to your doctors doesn't mean I'm an idiot too! I could go on and on but this is one post I should probably cut short because it could get really ugly!

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