Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wow where has the time gone...

Ok so its been way too long since I've written on here! Today is the day I'm making up my mind to really start writing more often. I feel like the days are just flying by and I really want to remember this time in our lives. Everything is changing but for the better.

So today I am 23 weeks and 3 days pregnant! Can you believe it?? We are over half way there.

So here's the update..

Total weight gain: 15 pounds (ugh I hate that number but know its for a good cause and lets face it most of it is in the chest haha)

Maternity clothes: All pants unless I use the bella band with them, dresses are a mix and so are tops.

Stretch Marks: No new ones!! Yay! I have some from before but none from the pregnancy! Lets just keep believing that they'll stay least on my belly!

Best moment this week: Painting the nursery and seeing things coming together!

Movement: Feeling him everyday several times a day. He's a little soccer player and I think he thinks my bladder is the ball! He's moving more consistently now and for longer periods of time which is nice because Ryan gets to feel him more and for longer too.

Food cravings: None really but I will say I do love me some sweets. I am normally not a sweet person but put some in front of me and they wont last long and they taste amazing!!

Labor signs: Nope!

Belly button: Innie but its definitely changing!

What are you looking forward to this week? VIABILITY!! I can't believe we're almost there. I'm also making some gluten free chocolate cupcakes with coffee icing and some GF vanilla cupcakes with mocha icing to take in to the dr.s office to celebrate this week!

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