Today is the day. I woke up this morning (in someone else's house) feeling surprisingly great and ready to head to Puerto Rico. Our flights we're good as long as I had snacks and something to drink, the only thing I would have changed was the fact I was totally sleepless. It took all I had not to reach over and smack Ryan "accidentally" to wake his drooling face up and be sleepless with me. He's the guy that can sleep anywhere and anytime (he'll tell you the anytime part is wrong but I'm the one seeing him sleeping in the airport terminals on a bunch of chairs in the middle of the day) and then there's his pregnant wife watching and trying so hard not to hurt him. Wow I'm really getting off topic so we'll keep on going to the good part...we finally get the Puerto Rico and find the family at the car rental place. We had it all planned out to ride with mom and dad during the 2 hr car ride to RinCon. Well when we're waiting to get the cars there's a little problem of mom telling me that they are no longer renting on...well me being the hormonal pregnant women throw a little fit and Daddy ended up renting the car haha. I was going to get the video camera out and ask mom what she's looking forward to most about the trip (besides Megan's wedding) and then I figured she ask me the same thing and I'd say "telling you I'm pregnant" well it was dark and of course the video cam wont work in the dark so I decided to take a picture. I get the camera out and tell mom to look at me I say "say Liz is pregnant" and says Liz is pregnant smiles and then turns around. Here's the picture... No big deal right?? Your daughter just told you she was pregnant and you turn around and don't say a word while my dad is just laughing. I finally say "Mom say Liz is pregnant" she then says "wait is that true?" Why would I say something like that if it wasn't true?? Mom "umm just thought you were trying to make me smile?!?" She then gets really excited and here's the next picture (which really should have been the first haha) She then tells me that I should have said "say Liz is expecting a child"??? Really mom its the same thing. Well we all just ended up laughing at her or I should say with her to be nice. It was really exciting and it was so great to finally share the news when I had known for 3 weeks. It really was fun and will always be a great thanks Mom, thanks for giving us a good laugh and also being so excited for your next grandchild!
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